Easter Sunday 4/16/06

Last night, the boys went to bed with no crying whatsoever. Now the question arises: who snores the loudest? Today Sam woke up either a bit sleepy or sad. He did not like the fact that Ian was on the truck that he usually drives. He also didn’t like that Ian had the rings that Sam usually holds in his hand. He tried to grab the rings from Ian and we told him, “No Vitalik, you need ask Ian with your words, you need to say please.” He tried to work us over and wouldn’t budge. So we let him through his pity party and went on with our morning routine. Of course he was torn between staying grumpy and joining the rest of us for breakfast. Of course, Sam chose to come to breakfast. I received a smile because I forgot to put his spoon in his oatmeal and I knew all would be well. We went to the Children’s Theatre today. We were able to take 6 children from Sam’s class, we had hoped to take all of them, but I don’t think they have any sort of bus and since no one uses car seats or seatbelts for that matter, it probably was better they didn’t all get crammed into one vehicle. All the children seemed to enjoy the show and then we bought ice cream cones for everyone and they were very pleased. We had hoped to sit with them in the sun and eat together, but it was already 12 and since lunch is at 1215 or 1230 they went right home. Even taking them to the play made me feel a bit guilty, having them see all the other children attending with their parents must have really hurt their hearts a bit. Ian is very homesick and I don’t blame him. I think Vitalik’s world is blossoming while Ian sees his as a bit depressing as he misses the comfort of home; school, a nice house with all of his toys, a big back yard where he can play, a safe neighborhood to ride his bike, etc. Honestly, I’m surprised he lasted as long as he has before missing the creature comforts of home, as I was missing them the second we landed in Kazakhstan!! The boys are in the bath now and soon to bed. We will find out on Tuesday when our court date will be. Tomorrow ends our official 14 day bonding period. And while we hope our court date will be earlier than the 28th, we’re not holding our breath. The only good thing about the whole process is that Sam is learning each day what it means to be in a family.
The fact that Sam is trying to take stuff from Ian is wonderful! He's bonding with him! Yeah! Sam is feeling comfortable and can express some things now. It's always two steps forward and one back--but this is wonderful wonderful news!!!!
My two fight all the time and then they are hugging and saying they are best friends and they love each other.
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