Our first overnight

I forgot to mention how much of a style manic Vitalik was. Daddy loves it when he wears his little pink corduroy pants and matching hot pink boots with hearts on them, so much so that he had to take a photo of them!! Look out Delia Mae, Sam is a fashion wonder in his own right!!! Actually, hopefully starting today Sam will live with us until the court date. Yes, it’s official--if all goes well Vitalik will someday in the near future be Samuel Vitaly McCaffery, a.k.a. Sam, the Bull. I think we’ll simply call him Vitalik until he has a clear understanding of English and his new name, but he is definitely a Sam. I wish you could hear him speak; Tim just melts when he says, “Pease Papa or Papa in a questioning-like tone when he’s trying to scare him during the “boo” game. Vitalik was once again a style maniac in his faded Levi’s and some turtle neck with yet another heart on it, Daddy was oh so pleased. He said he didn’t want to stay the night tonight, so we’ll see how things go. Once again he was stoic and Ian then grabbed his hand and they walked down the stairs to the main hallway where Vitalik began to walk rather quickly as if to say, “Let’s get out of here Ian.” Again it took him about 10 minutes and our playful Sam returned only to face his first disciplinary action. He had no interest in staying on his chair for time-out, we moved him to the bedroom and there Daddy made him wait and then he was cold to Papa for about 25 minutes and then was once again A-OK. We were due to meet Olga at the Notary @ 1200; at 1245, Ika knocked at the door and said it was time to go. She explained to Sam that it was only for a quick trip and we’d be back home, so he was less nervous, but still a bit quiet. After signing away our lives, and giving up our passports for the day, we returned to the apartment for many games of “BOO”, Leap pad and Magna Doodle. I can see how this is going to get very old as there are no outdoor activities and it’s not as if we can go to Chuck E. Cheese or Story Time at the Library. I’m really bored and feel a bit trapped in our cinder block abode today. My big excitement for the day will be to walk across the street and purchase the ingredients for spaghetti, yippee!!! Off to do more puzzles. Well, we were told we had to go back to the Notary’s Office as we needed to give some more Powers of Attorney to our translator and coordinator; earlier in the day we did it for our lawyer and orphanage representative, Olga. We meet Ika and Sasha at 1715 only to find out Olga still has our passports and has not given them to Ika. I’m not worried about Olga having our passports, as she’s a sweet as can be, but it’s just another example of needing to “go with the flow” while in Kaz, thus, no 2nd trip to the Notary today. Maybe tomorrow or maybe not!! The weather is starting to be pleasant once again, though the natives still dress like its 20 degrees. We took Sam on a short walk around the block and he was a bit fearful and at the same time intrigued with all of the new stimuli. He likes wearing my baseball cap and to ring the doorbell while Ian opens the steel door with our castle-like key. Poor Sam is still overwhelmed by food, overwhelmed he can watch it being cooked, that it is in amply supply and that he can have more if he wants. He also eats every scrap that is given to him. We’re trying to decrease his initial portion size and make him wait until Grace is said to commence and then he may not be excused until everyone has finished eating to try and show him that eating is enjoyable and not a race against the clock. He was shocked Ian could leave some spaghetti in his bowl and not receive any sort of discipline. I had to show him that we’ll simply keep the extra spaghetti and put it in the fridge until tomorrow. He was terrified to put on his pajamas, even after Ian changed; perhaps he thought he was going back to the detsky dom. I’m not certain how bed time will go this evening, keep your fingers crossed.
Here's hoping its a restful night! I love the name--I'm glad that's the one you are going with. He looked like a Sam to me from the first picture.
Love all the pictures. He definitely looks like a Sam. Hope all continues to go well. We may be traveling soon too. Really enjoying hearing about your "adventures" every day. Debbie
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