April 6th

We only got to spend about an hour today with Vitalik during our first visit. Sasha, our driver had to wait for some paperwork at the DOE and thus was late. We still had a great hour with our new little friend. Each visit improves his trust of us and his longing to smile and be happy. He is no longer afraid when we pick him up, and actually likes it, and he’s better with us giving him hugs and kisses. Bless Ian’s big heart, he keeps asking to play with the other children in Vitalik’s group. A few came by our room today, and the look on Vitalik’s face made it very clear that he didn’t want any one invading on his private time. All the children in his group are so kind, and friendly. They like to say the Amerikins, Talya’s Mama and Papa. Already being a mom, I long to give them affection as well, but I also understand why they want us to stay separate as I can see how it breaks their hearts to know we aren’t there to take them to their forever home. We thought we were going to meet with the lawyer today to finalize paper for court and thus needed Vitalik’s new name. Tim’s vetoed my traditional Irish names and I’m not to into his monosyllabic choices, so for now, we’re thinking it will be Either Owen Vitalik McCaffery or Samuel Vitalik McCaffery, and simply call him Sam. He looks like a Sam, but to me Sam McCaffery, sounds like some cheesy salesman, but I also like the sound of Ian and Owen. Who knows, there’s always Seamus Flynn…. I ventured out today for an afternoon walk and became quite saddened by the general living conditions of Karaganda. Some of the buildings are quite lovely if the money was available to refurbish them, but most of the buildings are quite decrepit and run down. There is no grass and the pollution from the cars and buses is horrendous. Mostly what saddens me is the trash; it’s not just littering, but garbage from homes everywhere. I found an area that had some run down metal playground equipment, but it would still have been fun for Ian had there not been so much trash and garbage. I was fearful there might be glass hidden under the leaves. I also think it’s sad, even though this may sound a bit ethnocentric that people don’t smile more especially since once you start to speak with them they are very kind and nice. This afternoon we went back to the Orphanage and played for a bit inside with balls and then we were able to play outside on their playground which was old but still fun. I thought we were going to go out with their group, but their group then decided not to go out, I hope not due to our going outside. Of course they bundled Vitalik as if it was 20 degrees, but we all had a good time. I played with a few other children, but their caretakers were quick to tell them to leave us alone. Vitalik let me help him a bit on some of the toys, but has no interest in holding hands. He gives us hugs and kisses before leaving but has to be prompted. His caregiver did say that he now waits for us to come, which is good to know he is enjoying our company. It was good to see the younger children having fun regardless of their living/playing conditions, but you could see the wear and tear it has taken on some of the older children. It’s hard to enjoy spending time with Ian and Vitalik knowing so many other children are lonely and would love the simplest form of affection, like a smile, a handshake, or a simple compliment. Uncle Erin, do you like me at the helm???? .
Thanks for all your comments and thoughts. Our internet connection is bad--we wish we could write to each of you more often.
Tha 4 McCaffery's
I've really enjoyed your last couple of posts. Funny, some of the things you mentioned (bringing a clothes line, dark clothes, lack of fruits and veggies) were things my DH and I were just discussing tonight. And the name thing, I've really been thinking about that a lot lately - change it, anglicize it, keep it. Think we've decided to just figure it out when we get there.
Love all the pictures - the boys are adorable!
All the best, Debbie
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