Friday 7 Apr

Hi all. This is Tim—Nell fell asleep without adding to her saga, so this will be short and sweet. On Friday, we received the last of the medical reports on Vitalik. He has been given a clean bill of health. What a relief! Visitations went pretty well. Vitalik is getting used to being held. On the first day, he was scared to be held, then he began to tolerate it, but yesterday he really seemed to enjoy being held by Nell and giggled the whole time. Ian has been a trooper but occasionally gets sad because he isn’t getting 100% of our attention. Last night, we went to a café to eat. I ordered the Dijon Schnitzel (they have an English menu), but I received a hamburger-looking patty with red peppers on mashed potatoes. Exactly what I expected except there was no Dijon or schnitzel. I guess we have to learn more Russian. Ian ordered dessert pancakes which turned out to be crepes with cream, fruit and jelly—he loved it! Nell liked her chicken but all of the food here is “organic” and does not look at all like meat we are used to. We are still trying to determine what part of a chicken it came from. We hope to start bringing Vitalik to the apartment to visit soon, and then will ask to keep him overnight a few times next week. We’re a little nervous with the language barrier, but I am sure we can work things out with our interpreter if necessary. Vitalik is learning English, but he always whispers when he speaks English. My favorite is when he says “please Papa”—it sounds like “tupees papa”. He is repeating everything we say, in a soft whisper, but I am sure he doesn’t understand what the words mean. He is making much better eye contact, which was a concern earlier in the week. Although we were enjoying some mild temperatures, Saturday will be more like winter. Temperatures are supposed to drop to -10 degrees C. Luckily all the buildings we have visited set the heat very high.
I'm so happy to hear the news is good! Yeah!!! I hope it continues to be good. Hope you stay warm.
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