Becoming the 4 McCaffery's

We've created this webpage for our family, friends, and future adoptive families to follow us in our adoption journey to Kazakhstan to become a family of 4. Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy it!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Happy 2007

Happy 2007!

We've had a great 2006 and 2007 looks bright too, so no complaints here. My 3 boys went back to the East Coast for the Holidays. Of course we would have all liked to have gone together, but we waited a bit too long to purchase tickets and then the kennel we like to use did not have availability for our nearly 12 yr old rottie. Thus, Mama stayed home. Mama was looking forward to a bit of a break and planned on doing home improvement projects, visiting museums, shopping at a leisurely pace and simply enjoying not being accountable to anyone. While I missed all 3 of my boys I think it was a good experience for all of us to be a part for a bit so that all of us could truly appreciate how fortunate we are to have one another. So, after dropping my gang off at the Colorado Springs airport, I headed to a fancy outdoor mall, and window shopped, I also had a grown-up dinner at PF Changs and truly enjoyed my alone time, still, I was very happy to get a call from my boys a few hours later as they waiting in the Dallas airport. The next day was horrid, a major snow storm hit Colorado and needless to say our driveway is downhill and we did not have a snow blower at the time. Literally the majority of the 12 days apart I spent shoveling and shoveling and shoveling, while my 3 boys had a mild Xmas in Mass. They had a wonderful time with their extended family. Sammy saw his cousin Delia once again and enjoyed spending quality time with his Grammy's , Grandpa's and Auntie's and Uncles!! Here are a few recent photos from the holidays, the snow storm and simply a nice photo of my two hansome men!!

Our boys are doing wonderfully together and Sammy is making great strides socially, educationally. Most people have no clue he is adopted, they just figure he's about 1.5 or 2 yrs younger than Ian, due to his size. He's at a 4yr old level at English reading and comprehension, so we're quite pleased with his progress. He even corrected his ESL teacher for not using proper grammar!!! Right now both boys are attending a Montessori preschool and making great strides, although it costs and arm and a leg, it's right up the street, so that's nice for Mama.
Hopefully next Fall they'll attend the public school down the road, Ian in Kindergarten, Sammy another year of preschool!! The boys are also taking swim lessons at the Air Force Academy Fitness Center and love it!! They also tried ice-skating and enjoyed that as well!! Ok, right now blogger won't let me post pictures go figure!!

Keep checking back for more posts!
