Honey& Grandpa Dave & Boys

The McCaffery's Easter 07'
Sam and Ian, the best looking of our crew!!

Well, in Monument, Colorado we searched for eggs in our basement as snow decided to make it's way down the mountain once again before allowing Miss Spring to move on in. Our boys didn't mind, they had a blast and were quite excited to put their "loot" into their banks. We also had a nice week-end as Honey and Grandpa Dave we're still in town and helped the boys make an Easter Bunny Cake, dye eggs and simply spend some quality time together. Here are a few photos from our day!!
I love the pictures! The boys are growing so fast. Hope all is well with you.
Nell, you r 2 b congratulated for ur generosity in the adoption with hopefully more 2 come. My other half is a civilian DOD worker on his way to Afghanistan for 6 mos. Going to work at AF Base near Kabul. Could we keep in touch? Pix are dandy!
Hi! Do not mark this as spam, please! We are collecting money for the most needed things for the orphans from an orphanage in the small town of Shpola, Ukraine. Even few dollars will get the purchase of the most necessary things closer! You can help here
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