We Met Sammy 4 months ago today...

Wow, I can't believe it was 4 months ago today, well in Kaz it's already the 3rd, so I guess I can still say "today." Anyhow, I still can't believe he's been a part of our lives for only 4 months. It now seems like he's always been here. This is not to say I want to repeat the process any time soon. I will not sugar coat my feelings about our experience in Kaz in regards to the adoption process and proceedures. That being said, as much as I detested staying the entire time, being seperated from my husband and other son, I know it helped with the bonding process for Sam and I as mother and son, and for Ian and Daddy to get some quality time together prior to Ian's world "changing" forever. I was always thankful to live in the US of A, but never more so than after this trip on multiple levels. We have been home a little over 2 months and it has been fun, crazy, and of course stressful at times. We finally sold our home and will be moving to Colorado Springs in late October. My husband moved to CO, the 3rd week of June, so I've been going "solo" since then. Don't feel too bad for me though, it could be much worse I could have to work and I do get a bit of a break as the boys go to "school" 5 days a week 3.5 hrs a day and love it!! We also get to go to the same school for regular preschool for 2 months as well, so I know that will help Sam even more so!! Sam and Ian are for the most part amazing together. I always double check with my husband if there minimial bickering is "normal" brother stuff or bigger issues, he says he's amazed at how well they get along, as am I. They are both quite thankful for one another and share hugs and kisses daily. My favorite thing is that they feel true remorse when the other one is getting repremanded. If anything I'm having the hardest time adapting. Besides being mentally worn out by the end of the day, I feel a ton of guilt about not having quality one on one time with each of my boys. I know Sam is coming from one of many, so becoming one of two is a huge improvement, but I still think individual time is very important for his overall growth as a person. Ian is doing amazingly well, not that Sam doesn't have a lot of new challenges to deal with, but so does Ian, to go from the main attraction to 1 of 2 I thought would be much worse, to have to all of a sudden have everything he has had become his brothers as well, must be hard, heck as adults it's hard to share let alone at 4.5. Still, for the most part, Ian seems to enjoy helping Sam and sharing with him If anything Ian sometimes doesn't understand that Sam can be near him but might not want to play together. With Tim being gone it's been a bit hard to do individual time, but we do so in 2 1/2 incriments daily for books and working on preschool skill sets. Some other things I'm amazed at are how eventhough Sam and Ian aren't bio brothers they share opposite strength's and weaknesses. I'm also amazed at how much more Sam tests my wills. He disobeys more than Ian ever did, but I must remember he has never had the opportunity to "act out" and know that someone would still be there to give him unconditional love. Of course I give him the love, but he also still has to be accountable for his actions, so that gets a bit old over all, but then after the bit of drama, I still get a ton of love so I can't complain. Ok, I've got to go and read some books before night night!!!
Hope you like the photos of Ian and Sam
Nell, I was so excited to see your updates. I've checked back here and often wondered how you are doing. I didn't have your email address either! Glad to hear all is well. Your boys are adorable.
Suzie Molon
Your little guys are sooo handsome! Their bright smiles are the sweetest. I am so happy to see the new photos :-)
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