Another Saturday in Mayberry...

Greetings Readers from Mayberry, oh, I mean Dover, Delaware. We've had a bit of a heat wave lately so to beat the heat, we've either done a ton of indoor crafts or ran in the sprinklers! Both of our boys loving doing so! We also went to the local Peach Festival last week, where the boys got a taste of homemade peach ice-cream, played with some farm animals and thought it was way too cool that we got to park our car right next to the orchard!!
We all miss Daddy, but we're happy to report that our home finally sold in this "buyer's" market and we will close in late October. We think we have may found a great home for us in Monument, CO. with a view of the mountains and still within our price range, so keep your fingers crossed!! We're going on being apart from Daddy for nearly 7 wks now, and it's taken it's toll on me a bit, but the boys are doing really well with it, which is all that really matters right now!! I'm so proud of how well my boys are treating one another, I often feel their bond is tighter than bio siblings because they "know" how special and lucky they are to have found one another!! Ian makes certain when Sam is misbehaving and I'm a bit frustrated that I'm not going to "send him back to the detsky dom in Kazakhstan." I reassure him and Sam that I love him and that his is part of our family always and forever, even on the days he may not wish to do so!!!
We've also been blessed and that all of Sam's major blood tests have come back negative, we're still waiting on TB, and I think he may test positive for TB which wouldn't surprise me a bit with the standard of living in the detsky doms and the amount of people and germs and lack of updated cleaning supplies and plumbing. Still, in the big scheme of life, that's minor, and I'm just happy that he seems quite well adjusted and loves to learn! Ok, enough bragging rights, here are some more recent photos!!!
I'm so glad to hear all is going well.You've been on my mind lately I was hoping allwas good. So glad to hear the move is going to work. Ahhh,the mountains--wish I was there with you!
i need to write both you and angie an email, i'll try tonight to do so to your yahoo accounts.
things have been a bit rough lately, but i told myself the first year would be trying..
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