Thursday, May 12
Today was the first nice day we’ve had in Karaganda in two weeks. It has finally become warm enough to wear pants and a shirt without a jacket. Of course the locals probably thought I was crazy and that Sam would have pneumonia or bronchitis by the end of the day due to my lack of layering with 3 jackets, a scarf and tights under his pants, as if it was 20 degrees. I’m sure Sam’s wearing of my baseball cap either backwards or to the side like a “baller” didn’t help us to “blend” in any better either!! Oh well, so be it!!
Today we took a walk to the TSUM to compare prices on souvenirs vs. the Asia store. The Asia store won hands down. So, I think I’ll check back next week to see if they’re product has changed or decreased in price and get some more goodies for folks back home or wait until the TSUM in Almaty as Tim said they had a ton of things. We then walked down to the park with the lake. Many of the water fountains are now working and it with the warm sun, it was great to be outside regardless of the amount of air pollution, trash, and dirt. We decided to kick the ball at the beach but then moved a bit inland to the semi-grass tree area to keep Sam out of the sun as I forgot his hat! We did that for about an hour and half. We even got a bit of a sun burn on our noses!! Sam is a magnet for making new friends; I think people love hearing him speak English and laugh at my Russian!! Anyways, it makes me feel better to see these native stoic people smile a bit, regardless if it’s with me or at me!! We then ventured to the grocery store and a small shop above the grocery store that sells make-up. I bought a cheap shinny lipstick and lip pencil for about $3.00 as my lips feel as if they just might fall off due to the dryness her in Kaz., The sales lady was nice, but I can’t wait to get back to America where you can either shop without someone constantly following you or starring at you, (because each shop is all of a 12x12 space) and where I can touch a product and examine it. Here you’re meant to feel like a child even though you’re the one with the cash interested in purchasing their merchandise. Of course we went to the supermarket and Sam had to pick the aisle with his “tavanish” or friend and they smiled and talked a bit prior to our checking out!! It’s quite cute!! Children and parents don't seem to show that much affection in public or real social interaction here so I think they think it's a bit odd and at the same time nice that I constantly talk to Sam and ask him to help me load the groceries or pack the groceries regardless of how much time or effort it may take.
After that it was a bit of school time, working on letters, numbers and colors. We then had an hour of books and it was off to bed! Not to exciting today, but every day done, means one more day closer til we’re leaving on a jet plane to the West. Yippee!! Night-night!!!
Good weather always helps doesn't it? Soon you'll be home! Sounds like Sam is doing quite well.
We're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
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