Wednesday May 10th

We woke up this morning to sunny skies. What a nice surprise! Agnes called to see what we had planned for the day. I told her after I finished writing my daily column for the NY Times and sending it to my editor lickity-spilt via dial-up internet, our day was completely open. We met outside the Assorti Café at around 1115 and walked to a small shop called Asia, or that’s what we American’s call it, as that’s what the Cyrillic letters resemble. Anyhow it’s on the same street as the TSUM and has many souvenirs at decent prices. I bought a large ornately painted stacking doll set with 7 dolls for about $20.00. They also had dombres, hand painted crafts, and amber jewlery, which I’ve been told is very chic here. Jo and Agnes nearly bought out the store today; last week Jo bought a dombre there and it is so big he has to send it back home via DHL. Sam noticed them as well and said, “dombre” and made the sign for guitar. I may try to find a small one to put on a shelf on his bedroom wall. He was already given some handmade crafts from his little friend at the detsky-dom, so I thought maybe a small doll set and either a yurt or a mini-dombre would make a nice Kazakhstan themed wall shelf for his room. We came home at lunch and have been working on our colors and words. The only words he has trouble remembering are his colors. He can point to them no problem whatsoever; our newest game is “in Ruski karova, in English cow” to anything he can point to. Even though he cannot make full sentences, his comprehension is amazing for a boy who has only heard English for 5 weeks. So far the best thing of the day has been Sam’s longing for cuddling. Today he just wanted to be held and snuggled and kissed for a good 5 minutes. I kept double checking that he was “ok” and not “grustno” sad, and he just smiled and said “ no, no silly mama.” We just may go outside to our nasty courtyard and kick the ball in the dirt for a while to pass some time. Our big plans for the evening are to walk to down the street two blocks and have dinner at Assorti Café with Jo, Agnes, Ryan, and Tanya. Dinner turned into a party with 14 Americans in a very small restaurant. It was a nice night out and then Sam and I came home got into our jammies and read Rumble in the Jungle. After I tucked him in safe and sound the phone rang and I figured it was either my Dad or Beth, nope it was my Aunt Louise, from CA. It was a nice surprise to hear from her! I’m certain some of you readers are wondering why I didn’t say it was Tim. He would like to call, but I asked him not to as I’m a softie and it’s really too hard for me to talk to either him or Ian without crying and I figured that would already make a tough situation worse. Well, I need to go write my sweetheart an email so it’s time to say goodbye! Today’s photos are at the Assorti Café, one of Sam and I and of the Buchanans; Jo, Agnes and Ryan and little Sam popping his head out!!. Scrap the photo of Sam and I as it won't post!!
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