Saturday, May 13

Today marks our 15th day after court, which means that the court “officially” recognizes that Samuel Vitaly McCaffery is really part of the McCaffery Clan. Yippee! That means that next week we’ll work on getting Sam’s new birth certificate, adoption decree and passport, that much closer to being “home.” If all goes well, 2 weeks from today we’ll be flying towards the West. Yahoo!! Today was wonderful, Sam slept til 0930, 13.5 hrs!!! That boy has the strongest bladder on the planet!! It was a sunny day and I knew we would once again need to hit the lake park for some ball time!! We had another picnic lunch and watched the BBC World. He loves to say “dot com.” I also watched an English speaking wanna be, “This Old House” on Al Jazzeera or some other random Arabic channel. The Arab channels crack me up because on the one hand they say they want their women to be modest, covered up from head to toe and then on their soap operas they have them in sexy clothing with make-up, go figure!! Sam helped me hang up our laundry and then we packed our tote and hit the road to the park. It had to be 80 degrees. It’s nice because it’s a dry heat, like Phoenix except, it’s definitely NOT Phoenix!! Anyhow, it was great to be outside for hours on end. We met up with the Blewer family and the kids had a great time on the “carny rides” and kicking the ball in the sand. Later in the evening, the Buchanans came over so that Ryan could try to IM his friends back home in MA. Sam and Tanya had fun being able to talk in Russian a bit, and she, just like Sam, loved the Leap Pad. They, Ryan, Tanya and Sam played hide and go seek at least 20x and had a blast. You have to remember our vast castle is a mere 500 ft and there are only so many places to hide. Regardless, the kids made the best of it, while the parents laughed once again about their various Kaz adventures. I’m really going to miss the Buchanans, they’re great people and a ton of fun!! Sam went to bed 2 hrs late and I’m certain he’ll be wiped out as we spend a good 3 hrs in the sun and we all have a bit of a sun burn!! Well, that’s it from Asia!! Oh, Robin and Erin, I am very envious that you are in Cabo sans Delia, so live it up and have a nice froofy drink for me, ok have many froofy drinnks for me!!! Today’s photos are of Sam and I at the park, (not, it won't post), of Anjanette sliding down with Reagan and Sam, and finally, of Sam and Reagan enjoying the mini-roller coaster. Sam adores Reagan, they both lived at Nezabudka and are only a few months difference in age., I wonder if he remembers her from there or if he’s just testing out his “playa” moves while he’s still young!! He,he,he…… Night –Night.
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