Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Erin Go Bragh!!! Yes, in the spirit of St. Patty's Day, I've decided to post a few fun photos of the family trip to Ireland in Oct. of 2004. We had a wonderful time and Ian had a fabulous time and met a great friend at a wonderful B & B we stayed at in Doolin, Ireland, about 5 miles away from the Cliffs of Moher. The Sweeney family is the 3rd generation working the family farm that jutts out into the Ocean. It's breathtaking. Also the cows come by the kitchen window just to say "Top of the Mornin' to you!!! The Sweeney's have 3 boys, and the youngest, Niall, and Ian were great pals and fellow farm and tractor lovers. Ian told him about "John Deere" and Niall stated that he and his daddy preferred New Holland!! We didn't go back in 05' thinking we'd be in Kaz at that time, but hopefully in 06' or early 07' we'll be back visiting the Emerald Isle. With a name like Ian McCaffery, our wee lad fits in perfectly. Of course for number #2, I like, Declan, Rowan, Liam, Flynn, Owen, but then I also love, Eli, Ephraim, Levi, Dominic and Collier, and my son, well, he likes Sam. I think from Green Eggs and Ham, Sam I am... so who knows...
My hubby is due home in a few hours and poor Ian had a ton of shots today and have some blood drawn so he is wiped out!! Better safe than sorry, but to a 4 yr old a ton of shots in one day as a "safety measure to prevent becoming really sick while visiting with his new brother is still a ton to ask of a little man. Still, he was so brave and sweet, those when his deep baby blue eyes start to crystallize prior to crying I nearly melt each and everytime. I'm hoping we'll finalize our tickets tonight and I plan on being 85% packed as well. I seem to go back and forth between being extremely excited and extremely frightened but hopeful that we will all bond well as a family. I know we're doing the right thing, it's just hard not knowing how our new little man feels about the big changes in his life. I'm also a bit worried about having to leave him to come back for a bit. Mostly I'm afraid of the other children being unkind to him because he is being adopted and they are not. Children can be amazingly kind to one another and but also quite hurtful to eachother too!! Ok, off to do some chores.... with a cocktail or two...
Dear Keogh Family-
What a nice surprise to indirectly meet a family from Ireland. We love Ireland and would love to retire there. I told my husband when his flying career is completed in the AF he should apply to Air Lingus!! I'm glad you got to see " a touch of home" When we went in 04, Tim's brother Patrick ran the Dublin marathon and we made some wonderful side trips and fell in love with the countryside. I'd really like to visit more of the rural and less touristty areas like the west and northwest sections. I was able to go to Ireland about 12 yrs ago and was able to visit Belfast as well. It had such beauty and and also devastation, but I found it very interesting to walk up Shankhill road and see the various murals and to try and put myself in their shoes. I can't imagine being scared to walk down a certain street or not being friends with your neighbors because of their faith, but then again, I am not Irish or English and my family did not have their struggles, so I just wanted to visit this place so often on the news and get a feel for the situation and be quite thankful that my child, soon to be children have the luxury to live in a safe place. Ok, enough heavy stuff. I'm so sorry you were delayed in your trip. We thought we would be going to Kaz in Oct 05 and now it's the end of March 06. Our delay was due to the new laws and our papework sat at the MFA for 3 months. First they said we could just bring the new files along, then no go and back to the usa it came. Regardless, I know it will all be worth it!! Are you working with an independent lawyer or with an agency in Canada or in the States? And if you don't mind me asking, oh why did you leave the lovely Emerald Isle!! That would be awesome to meet in Kaz or sometime in Ireland!!!!
Take Care-
Nell McCaffery
Hi Mary-
Oh, yes, we actually started researching places to purchase when we returned home from our trip in 04 and couldn't believe the prices.. Yikes!! Of course, we were spoiled by the Sweeney Farm/B*B jutting against the ocean and we definitely had to have an ocean/sea view. Hopefully someday... Wow, I'm sorry for your many hardships involving getting pregnant and losing Ronan, but I'm so happy you considered adoption. We actually can have children, we're just older 35 & 36 and really didn't want to risk bringing an infant into this world with possible issues when there are so many children already on this earth who could use a good home. I'm an only child and love being a stay-at-home mom to Ian. We have such an amazing bond, he's such a joy . For a long time I had no interest in having another child. I love being a mom and so many mothers I see look so worn-out and overwhelmed and then start talking really curtly and with harsh words to their children as they pack them into the mini-van and I thought ... hell no.. Then when Ian was about 3 I could see how positive a sibling could be. I started researching adoption in jan of 05 and he came into the computer room and asked about the photos of children and I told him that these were children that didn't have a mommy or a daddy or a nice safe home and he said, "mommy, everyone should have a mommy and a daddy." that was the clincher for me.. We talked about the pros and cons and asked Ian what he though and he said he'd like a brother, ergo, we're getting a son/brother..Though now he states he'd like a sister too.. Honestly, as excited as I am to be a mother of two I'm very scared for the bonding period for our second little guy. I hope all goes well and I hope my relationship with Ian will only grow even if it means that we'll have less individual time together. Well, it's official we're leaving Fri March 31st out of Newark, NJ. That is if our visas clear this week keep your fingers crossed!! We also hope the laptop we ordered will arrive on time!! Oh well, I'm beat!! Talk to you soon!!
Nell :)
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