Running on Empty..

For the last few days I've been running on empty, well, on about 4hrs of quality sleep and starbucks, (i'm so pleased they made a larger glass bottle version of the frapp, perfect timing for me!) Which would be dealable if I was A. younger, B. did not have a wonderful 4 yr old be that is quite locquacious, simply a gem and someone with whom I love spending the majority of my day vs. doing the things that need to get done for this trip and C. my husband has been in Iraq/Kuwait for about a week and needs to get home as both his son and his wife miss him immensely, and come on now, we've got a ton of work to do prior to leaving.
Actually, in a way I'm a head of the game, I'm pretty well packed and prepacked for my son and myself, as well as having lists of things to purchase, things we have but have yet to put into our luggage, and then which of those items goes in which type of suitcase be it checked or carry-on. Made the doggie reservations at doggie day care, talked with the neighbor about picking up the mail and mowing the grass. She has two grandchildren from Kaz and loves to mow on her John Deere rider mower.. Made a list about turning down the heat, turning off the washing and dryer, the computer, etc...Ok, so I'm a bit neurotic these days. Cut me some slack :)
We've sent off for our visas and we should have our flights booked in the next day or two, still, it's still a bit crazy. We need to buy a laptop, figure out how to find a bank that will give us a ton of crisp unwrinkled 100 bills, as we bank with USAA in TX and we live in DE. Still, in the end, the 3 of us are ready for a great adventure!! Although I must admit, even though I have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to travel world wide, the thought of arriving near midnight in the former USSR waiting for our driver who more than likely won't speak any English after about 1.5 days of flying with a 4 yr old makes me a bit leary, but that same 4 yr old hopes we get to take city buses as well as trains on this whirl-wind adventure of ours... So, in the end I simply need to chill out and roll with it...Ok, back to studying RUSKI... night-night.. Oh, I'm adding a few photos of Master Ian and his hillarious faces when he's either frustrated or simply indirectly telling me, "Mama, enough photos already..."
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