Our current family

I thought I'd start off by giving you a brief introduction to our current family. We are a wonderful family of 3 humans and one canine. My husband, Tim, and I married in September of 98', and our greatest joy to date arrived on New Year's Day 2002. It's hard to believe there was life prior to Ian Hunter McCaffery. Last but not least, is Hanski-Panski McCaffery, our 11 yr old rottweiler, a.k.a. known as "Baby Dog." That's what our son called her when he began talking and it's stuck. She is a big baby with a terrible bark/growl and a heart of gold. I have the luxury of being a stay-at-home mom to Ian. We live in Dover, DE. amongst the country farms of the Amish, it's a beautiful and wonderful place to raise and rear a family. My husband, Tim, is a pilot for the Air Force and luckily for us he's not gone for too long or too many times a year these days, which is a bonus compared to earlier in his career. I'll add some photos to our first post.
I love it Nell! We'll be thinking of you throughout this whole journey and you'll be in my thoughts and prayers!
Hello McCaffery family. It's nice to here from you. We are Alyson and Chandler from Charlotte, NC. We haven't been able to have any children on our own so we're really jumping in feet first and adopting two. We have requested a boy and a girl 6-20 months. Our paper work was sent to Karaganda one week ago. We're thinking it will be at least 6-8 weeks until we get our referral. Being that our blog is less than a week old, we received our first comment from you guys. Thanks, and God bless you on your adoption and travels!!!
wow, it's crazy here, when exactly did you start your travel last yearI know in April but I can't remeber if you were there in the beginning or towards the end of the mont? what was the weather like? i remembered you stating that nez was a mere 100 degrees or so i've brought short sleeve shirts!! glad you're watching our blog, it will be fun to have someone to gab with while we're far, far, away....
Alyson and Chandler from NC. Wow, that's wonderful that you will be adoptiong two!! I'll keep watching your blog for some good news!!
Nell, We left I think the 16th of April and returned from the first trip May 13. Then I went back the second week in June--just to Almaty. It was bloody hot then. I think it's alot like Wisconsin. I would definitely bring short-sleeved shirts and maybe a sleeveless one(you can put a jacket or sweater over). I had one sleeveless one and I wore it alot. By June, it's easily hitting the 90s and 100s. And I'm always here and checking!
thanks sweetie for the update.. i wrote you a short novel to your yahoo account!!
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